Mallissery, Sanoop et al., “Online and Offline Communication Architecture
for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks Using NS3 and SUMO Simulators,” *Journal of
High Speed Networks*, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 253-271, 2019,
doi: [10.3233/JHS-190615](
author = {Mallissery, Sanoop and Pai, Manohara M.M. and Mehbadi, Milad
and Pai, Radhika M. and Wu, Yu-Sung},
title = {Online and Offline Communication Architecture for Vehicular
Ad-hoc Networks Using NS3 and SUMO Simulators},
journal = {Journal of High Speed Networks},
year = {2019},
volume = {25},
number = {3},
pages = {253-271},
doi = {},
publisher = {IOS Press},